Relative Pronouns – Part 1

Relative pronouns are used to join clauses (like conjunctions) and, at the same time, to replace the subject or object of verbs (like other pronouns).

Who – Used for people. Refers to the subject.

A gardener is a person. He takes care of plants and flowers.

A gardener is a person who takes care of plants and flowers

Which – Used for things and animals. Refers to the subject or object.

The cat eats meat every day. It lives in the house.

The cat which lives in the house eats meat every day.

The perfume was very expensive. She bought it in France.

The perfume which she bought in France was very expensive.

When which refers to the object of the sentence it can be left out.

The perfume she bought in France was very expensive.

That – Used for things, people and animals.

The perfume that she bought in France was very expensive.

A gardener is a person that takes care of plants and flowers

The cat that lives in the house eats meat every day.

When that refers to the object it can be left out.

The perfume she bought in France was very expensive.

Whose – Used for things, people and animals. Refers to possession.

He read a book whose author was Sidney Sheldon.

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