F.R.I.E.N.D.S – The one with the East German Laundry Detergent – 1st Season

Friends’  episodes are useful to help us to learn  English because they use everyday conversation, the episodes are short and funny. So, if possible do not forget to:

  1. Watch it with the subtitles and pay attention to the vocabulary you don’t know.
  2. Watch it with the subtitles and see how much you can remember and please check the vocabulary you don’t remember to memorize it.
  3. Watch it without the subtitles.
  4. Have fun learning it.

These are some of the vocabularies from this video:

  • Suds – short for soapsuds – foam (espuma)
  • Spaz – an offensive way of saying “a stupid person”
  • Bra – soutien
  • Judgement call – a decision someone has to make using their own ideas and opinions
  • Jammies – pyjamas
  • 24 inch waist – uma cintura de 24 polegadas
  • Brand new  – nova em folha
  • neat idea – good idea
  • rip apart – to completely destroy (something) by tearing it into pieces
  • by the way – a propósito
  • grieve  – to feel sorrow, to lament
  • These are some of the vocabularies from the entire episode:
  • Maneuver – manobra
  • To blow sb’s mind – to make you feel very surprised and excited
  • It’s beyond me – used to say that something seems completely stupid and you can not understand the reason for it.
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S – The one where it all began – Pilot – 1st Season

When I finished my English course I knew I had a lot to learn, and watching friends helped me a lot with it. Studying English with a sitcom or a movie is one of the best ways to memorize vocabulary. Here it is how you should do it:

  1. Watch it with the subtitles and pay attention to the vocabulary you don’t know.
  2. Watch it with the subtitles and see how much you can remember and please check the vocabulary you don’t remember to memorize it.
  3. Watch it without the subtitles.
  4. Have fun learning it.

These are some of the vocabularies from the episode:

When finding a word in Portuguese is somewhat hard, you will notice that I use English for the definition, this way helps to start thinking in English. I hope you make the best of it.

Hump – cordunda, corcova

Hairpiece – peruca

Chalk – giz

Murky – dark

To sob – sobbed – sobbing – to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts

Strip joints – a strip club

hammer – martelo/arrasar (coloquial, figurativo)

Decaf – spoken decaffeinated coffee or tea

Gravy – sauce

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F.R.I.E.N.D.S – The one where Chandler can’t remember which sister – 3rd Season

Art bought in New York City from a street artist.

When I finished my English course I knew I had a lot to learn, and watching friends helped me a lot with it. Studying English with a sitcom or a movie is one of the best ways to memorize vocabulary and it is fun. Here it is how you should do it:

  1. Watch it with the subtitles and pay attention to the vocabulary you don’t know.
  2. Watch it with the subtitles and see how much you can remember and please check the vocabulary you don’t remember to memorize it.
  3. Watch it without the subtitles.
  4. Have fun learning it.

These are some of the vocabularies from the episode:

When finding a word in Portuguese is somewhat hard, you will notice that I use English for the definition, this way helps to start thinking in English. I hope you make the best of it.

  • Noose – laço que aperta conforme se puxa
  • The noose – enforcamento
  • Whip – chicote; chicotear
  • Punch line – fechamento de uma piada ou estória que a faz ficar engraçada ou surpreendente
  • Gassy – cheio de gás
  • ASAP – Assim que possível
  • Stick it out – ir até o final de uma atividade que é difícil, chata ou dolorosa.
  • Demeaning – sem importância
  • I don’t mind paying my dues – eu não me importo de começar por baixo para conseguir o que quero
  • To sort – por em ordem
  • Shots  – bebidas (drinks)
  • Hammered – muito bêbado
  • Grope – passar a mão
  • To tick somebody off – Irritar alguém
  • Bummer – uma situação que é irritante ou decepcionante
  • Be Giddy – estar muito feliz
  • Pushy – excessively or unpleasantly self-assertive or ambitious. – agressivo, intrometido.
  • Collar – gola
  • Baggy pants – calça folgada
  • Top-notch – having the highest quality of standard – é o melhor
  • Squint  – to look at sth with your eyes partly closed in order to see better – olhar de soslaio
  • Jump the gun – to start doing sth too soon, without thinking – agir prematuramente
  • Den – a room in Sb’s house where they can relax, watch TV
  • Paper route, paper round – to delivery newspapers to a group of house (a job)
  • To eavesdrop – escutar secretamente, bisbilhotar
  • Pogo stick – pula-pula