F.R.I.E.N.D.S – The one with the East German Laundry Detergent – 1st Season

Friends’  episodes are useful to help us to learn  English because they use everyday conversation, the episodes are short and funny. So, if possible do not forget to:

  1. Watch it with the subtitles and pay attention to the vocabulary you don’t know.
  2. Watch it with the subtitles and see how much you can remember and please check the vocabulary you don’t remember to memorize it.
  3. Watch it without the subtitles.
  4. Have fun learning it.

These are some of the vocabularies from this video:

  • Suds – short for soapsuds – foam (espuma)
  • Spaz – an offensive way of saying “a stupid person”
  • Bra – soutien
  • Judgement call – a decision someone has to make using their own ideas and opinions
  • Jammies – pyjamas
  • 24 inch waist – uma cintura de 24 polegadas
  • Brand new  – nova em folha
  • neat idea – good idea
  • rip apart – to completely destroy (something) by tearing it into pieces
  • by the way – a propósito
  • grieve  – to feel sorrow, to lament
  • These are some of the vocabularies from the entire episode:
  • Maneuver – manobra
  • To blow sb’s mind – to make you feel very surprised and excited
  • It’s beyond me – used to say that something seems completely stupid and you can not understand the reason for it.
  • to rot – apodrecer
  • Awkward – difficult, not convenient
  • To gang up on – to join together into a group to attack somebody or oppose them
  • Hunger strike –  a situation in which sb refuses to eat for a long time (greve de fome)
  • Scrunchy – mau humor
  • To brun somebody up  –  To make somebody angry  – He burns me up!
  • Freakish – very unusual and strange
  • dryer – secadora
  • Sheets – lençol
  • Fluffy – fofinho, felpudo
  • 7-ish  – at about 7 o’clock
  • audition – test for actor,  singer
  • Belch  –  arrotar
  • Tile – azulejo ou telha
  • to lay – acentar piso, por exemplo
  • Happy camper – contented person
  • Apply –  usar (neste contexto)
  • Softner – fabric softener – amaciante de tecido
  • Snuggle  – to settle into a warm comfortable position
  • Fuzz  –  penugem
  • Fuzzy  – having short soft hair, fur
  • latte – a type of coffee made with espresso and hot steamed milk, milkier than a cappuccino.
  • To shoot – shot – shot – photograph –  to take a photo
  • They sucked –  Ficaram horríveis
  • To blow off – do not do what you have to do – E.g. I blew off the afternoon
  • Bullwinkle  – Dentinho – it is a character The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (BrasilAs Aventuras de Alceu e Dentinho)
  • Rocky  – Alceu
  • Moose – alce
  • Squirrel  – esquilo
  • suds  – espuma de sabão, água de sabão
  • Tough  –  resistente
  • Spaz  – stupid
  • To nibble – mordiscar
  • Weasel – doninha
  • Underdog  –  Vira-lata (character)
  • To flop  – to fall
  • Rambunctious – indisciplinado
  • Jammies  – pyjamas
  • neat idea –  good idea
  • To grieve  – to feel sorrow

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