F.R.I.E.N.D.S – The one where it all began – Pilot – 1st Season

When I finished my English course I knew I had a lot to learn, and watching friends helped me a lot with it. Studying English with a sitcom or a movie is one of the best ways to memorize vocabulary. Here it is how you should do it:

  1. Watch it with the subtitles and pay attention to the vocabulary you don’t know.
  2. Watch it with the subtitles and see how much you can remember and please check the vocabulary you don’t remember to memorize it.
  3. Watch it without the subtitles.
  4. Have fun learning it.

These are some of the vocabularies from the episode:

When finding a word in Portuguese is somewhat hard, you will notice that I use English for the definition, this way helps to start thinking in English. I hope you make the best of it.

Hump – cordunda, corcova

Hairpiece – peruca

Chalk – giz

Murky – dark

To sob – sobbed – sobbing – to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts

Strip joints – a strip club

hammer – martelo/arrasar (coloquial, figurativo)

Decaf – spoken decaffeinated coffee or tea

Gravy – sauce

Gravy boat – molheira

Sweet’n low  – sweetener brand – adoçante

Turn on by – interested

Freak out – to become frightened, upset

Drifted apart – if people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends (perder o contato)

Pipe organ – orgão (musical instrument)

Purse – bolsa

Whisker – bigode (cat, mouse)

Doorbells – campainha

Sleigh bells – sinos do trenó

Mittens  –  luvas (a glove with two sections, one for the thumb and the other for all four fingers)

Noodles – macarrão tipo espaguete

String – corda

Hit on – dar em cima de alguém

Buzz him in – to call someone by pressing a buzzer

It’s a “dear diary” moment  – vale a pena escrever no diário

Wandering – viagem, passeio

Eyelashes  –  cílios

Wondrous- maravilhosa

Brackeet-y – a support for a shelf (mão francesa)

Parenthesis – parêntese or bracket ()

Worm –  verme

Screw – parafuso

Whatsover – at all (used for emphasis).

Got screwed  –  se ferrou!

Shred – cortar em tiras

Steer clear of – to avoid something/someone unpleasant

Rip – rasgar/arrancar

Rocky road –  Rocky Road sorvete é um sorvete com sabor de chocolate. Embora existam variações do sabor original, é tradicionalmente composto de sorvete de chocolate, nozes e marshmallows inteiros ou em cubos.

Cookie dough – Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is a popular ice cream flavor in which unbaked chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough are embedded in vanilla flavored ice cream.

Cherry Vanilla – sorvete de baunilha com cerejas

Jimmies – chocolate sprinkles – granulado

nuts  – castanhas e nozes

Whipped cream – chantilly

Horny – sexually excited

Walk out on – to leave your husband, wife, etc (abandonar)

Smash – quebrar

Screamer – escandalosa

Barn-raising – uma reunião com o propósito de erguer um celeiro

Input – to put information into a computer

hanger – cabide

Big time – to a great extent or degree

There was no snap in his turtle – “ficou na seca”

Beacon – farol – sign

line – excuse/lie

Upbeat – happy

windshields – windscreen – para-brisa

Retailers – varejistas

it sucks – é uma droga

to crash – to sleep at someone’s house

crush on – an uncontrollable feeling of love

geeky – boring “jacú”

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